
Easystand Zing

Brand: Zing Product Code: Zing

Easystand Zing

Brand: Zing Product Code: Zing

The EasyStand Zing Multi-Position Stander (MPS) is the only paediatric stander that allows a child to seamlessly go from full supine to prone without having to change, turn or flip pads, trays, and foot plates or transfer a child in and out of the stander.


The EasyStand Zing Multi-Position Stander (MPS) is the only paediatric stander that allows a child to seamlessly go from full supine to prone without having to change, turn or flip pads, trays, and foot plates or transfer a child in and out of the stander.

In one fluid motion, the child can be positioned between supine, upright and prone. Independent leg abduction up to 30 degrees is possible in each Zing model. A multi-adjustable, swing-away tray is available for all except vertical and prone, and swings both to the left or right or can be removed. Leg length discrepancies, hip and knee contractures are accommodated with multi-adjustable foot plates, independent adjustable calf pads and multi-adjustable knee pads.

The EasyStand Zing’s advantages aren’t limited to its groundbreaking frame design, it’s the options that further set it apart from all other paediatric standers.

  • Leg abduction up to 30 degrees in each leg is possible,
  • Multi-adjustable tray is angle adjustable and swings away both to the left and right while still remaining attached to the frame.
  • Leg length discrepancies and hip and knee contractures are accommodated with multi-adjustable foot plates,
  • Independent adjustable calf pads and multi-adjustable knee pads.
  • Pivots at the hips for proper leg alignment in hips, knees, and feet
  • Feet maintain angle with the rest of the legs – no wedges needed
  • Up to 30° of abduction per leg
  • Promotes musculoskeletal development for infants, toddlers, and kids
  • Flat-to-load and semi-supine transfers into the Zing are made as easy as possible with a positioning surface at a comfortable height. The swing-away tray gets out of the way quickly while remaining attached to the unit  and easily accessible.
  • Angle adjustable and able to swing away, the tray opens from either the left or the right, or can be removed completely
  • Tray can remain attached during flat-to-load transfers
  • More activities are possible by swinging tray away during standing therapy