The Polo Plus T is a foldable mobility walker with bag from Rebotec. Max user weight 120kg
The Polo Plus T is a foldable mobility walker with bag from Rebotec.
The EasyStand Zing Multi-Position Stander (MPS) is the only paediatric stander that allows a child to seamlessly go from full supine to prone without having to change, turn or flip pads, trays, and foot plates or transfer a child in and out of the stander.
The Rifton Pacer is the most versatile, adaptable and durable gait trainer on the market today.
Designed to make walking less energy consuming, improve alignment and maximize potential for walking.
The DoBuggy Stroller is designed for children with special needs. This comfortable and sturdy buggy provides a value for money practical solution to taking your child out and about.
Able to carry children up to 50kg, the DoBuggy comes with a 5-point adjustable harness and adjustable height footrest.