Fun and supportive!
The Pilot is an innovative and unique crawling aid for children aged 1-5 years of age.
The Pilot assists the child up from the floor which helps to stimulate participation and play.
The Pilot is an innovative and unique crawling aid for children aged 1-5 years of age. The Pilot assists the child up from the floor which helps to stimulate participation and play.
The patented aid has a gas spring underneath which gives the child dynamic assistance to lift their pelvis, assuring weight bearing through the hip joints and down to the knees.
The amount of assistance given by the gas spring can be individually adjusted to meet the needs of the child. The Pilot is fitted with 2 multidirectional roller balls in front that swing 360° giving freedom to explore and 2 fixed directional rear wheels to help keep kids on track.
In addition, the height and length of the Pilot can be altered, making the Krabat Pilot suitable for children between the ages of 9months – 5 years. The Co-Pilot system, which consists of two kneepads and two elastic bands, was developed to protect the child’s knees and give adequate friction on wooden and linoleum floors. The elastic band limits hip abduction and guides into a crawling position.
Designed to make walking less energy consuming, improve alignment and maximize potential for walking.
The Fixi and Fox is a colourful anterior walker for kids with forearm support.
The Rifton HTS (Hygiene and Toileting System) is designed for optimal positioning for natural elimination.
Designed as temporary seats for users who may lack the stamina to stand or walk for long periods.